As we stand together looking over the edge of a four-year precipice, it’s important to remember that good things still happen in life and even in government — especially here in Illinois. Read on for a small pick-me-up.
John Deere lawsuit
The state of Illinois, along with the state of Minnesota and the Federal Trade Commission, has filed a lawsuit against the John Deere company. The suit charges that John Deere’s practices force farmers to make equipment repairs only via Deere, thus costing them far more money and denying them the right to repair their equipment in any other way. Read Illinois AG Kwame Raoul’s statement here and the FTC’s statement here.
Medical debt relief
Illinois Director of the Department of Healthcare and Family Services Lizzy Whitehorn is advocating for continuation of last year’s partnership with the non-profit group Undue Medical Debt. Read about the program’s success so far here and Governor Pritzker’s statement here.
Other states follow our lead
In Democratic-leaning states across the country lawmakers are gearing up to provide stronger worker protections — as our state legislators have been doing for the past few years. Read a nice timeline piece about recent Illinois labor law here (thanks, Duane Morris, whoever you are) and about other states’ efforts here.
For a small chuckle
It looks like the secession movement in Illinois isn’t going anywhere — despite the open invitation from the state of Indiana. Read what Gov. Pritzker had to say here.